Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Two Fools in Love

While many associate April 1 with April Fool's Day and practical jokes, it is actually the anniversary of our first "date".  When Arthur called me up to ask me out I told him he would have to wait about week since I was studying for my board exams.  The day after the test was April 1, my first free day from studying, so we agreed to meet then for ice cream.  I about had second thoughts and had cold feet about going down to meet Arthur for the date but that would have been a cruel joke.  After all it was just one date- how bad could it be?  We ate ice cream, walked around campus talking, and wound up at the campus art museum.  As we perused the exhibits we tried to guess the name of each piece without looking at the name plate-- our percentage was very low.

So the April Fool's joke was actually on me now that 4 years later we are married-- I guess that date ended up going somewhere.  This evening to celebrate 4 years of "intentionally hanging out" we ate brownies and ice cream.  Also for our date nights in April we signed up for an introductory drawing class through the local art council.  On our first night of class we dove into shading, cross hatching, and even had to do a still life.  Next week we learn perspective (if the past four years haven't done that.)  Omnia Vincit Amor.  

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