Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The lastest happenings

Here's the update on what we have been up to the past few weeks:

NBA playoffs: Arthur is a pretty big fan of the San Antonio Spurs which means from April to June every year Arthur is following basketball games about every other evening.  The Spurs have been playing some pretty good basketball games lately and at least the conference finals this week are all central time so the games are not starting at 9:30pm.  Arthur is usually a pretty happy camper if the Spurs are playing well.  If they don't play well, then...

When Arthur isn't watching the Spurs he's been biking quite a bit in the evenings.  I haven't been joining him as much because I'm not tough enough to ride when it is as windy as it has been lately.

This past weekend my brother got married so we have been busy with some "wedding responsibilities".  Arthur went to the bachelor party and played basketball well into the night and into the morning and was sore for a few days.  He thought the teams were a little unfair in favor of the groom whom he had to guard.  I put together a slide show of photos of the happy couple.  During this project my computer was on the verge of cratering.  I finished the slide show and had it saved on a flash drive setting on the shelf to take.  After work I was getting everything together and couldn't find it anywhere.  Arthur got home and I asked if he had seen it.  He had a concerned look on his face.  He had picked it up and taken it to work with him.  He was almost ready to drive back to work to get it since it had the stuff for the wedding but I did have an extra copy on a CD.  What I don't understand is how his duffel bag had been in the floor of the living room all week and he hadn't picked it up to take it another 15 steps to the bedroom but a flash drive that isn't his sitting out for a few hours ended up at work.  I love him but sometimes I don't understand him.  The wedding was beautiful and we were glad it wasn't us, going through a wedding once is more than enough.  Arthur ushered with the best of them while greeted guests signing the guest book.  We also had a good time catching up with old friends at the reception afterwards and dancing the night away.

We finished up our drawing class last week which was a foray into colored pencils.  A good time was had by all.  Arthur gained a greater appreciating of technique.  He also said he learned how CAD programs work and how forensic evidence can be taken from photographs based on the horizon line and vanishing points.  I learned how to use perspective and shading.  I also got hooked on drawing again.  I did quite a bit growing up and then picked it up again while listening to online lectures in grad school because I needed something more entertaining to do than listen to my computer speak to me in a monotone about administration and management in physical therapy so I drew. We had a wonderful time learning these new skills together during the class.  We are trying to decide what to learn next.  Some of the ideas tossed around include brushing up on our dancing skills or taking up karate (this could be influenced by the fact that Arthur watch a few of The Karate Kid movies this weekend).  Omnia Vincit Amor. 

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