Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Arthur and I often share about the fun and exciting things we are doing but one of the things I love about our marriage is that even the mundane because fun and interesting when you are doing it with your best friend.  We have talked before about how much the movie UP is quoted around our house.  The following quote is from Russell, the younger boy: "That might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most."  Lately two "boring" chores I have thoroughly enjoy have been doing the laundry and washing the dishes.
First of all, one of the best things about doing the laundry is Arthur is in charge of making we have clean clothing.  I will sometimes jump in to help with the folding process but have discovered that Arthur is very particular about his clothing.  One day I started folding his t-shirts thinking nothing of it but was told to keep my paws off of his shirts since I don't fold them correctly (maybe he is afraid that I will turn them into another quilt).  I fold shirts in half while Arthur does the more professional tri-fold that is used in department stores. I have also not seen anyone stack his underwear so neatly either.  This is a lot of bantering that is shot back and forth while we fold clothes since we both have different philosophies about proper clothing storage.  It also makes me extremely giddy when all of the socks match-- the holy grail of laundry.
I also enjoy working with Arthur as we clean up the kitchen.  Another reason I love this man is because he does the dishes every night.  We discuss current issues of the day or have informal family business meetings.  One evening this week Arthur serenaded me for about 15 minutes singing songs he learn in college at FarmHouse.  Then he pulled up some YouTube videos because we didn't have enough "auditory stimulation".  Arthur has a variety of musical tastes from '90s rap to classical piano (sadly this variety doesn't include country).  Sometimes he grabs me and we dance around the kitchen.  Occasionally we will have a friendly dispute that ends in us snapping our dish towels at one another.  
"Boring stuff" like folding laundry, finding lost socks, washing pots and pans, or a dish towel fight are some of our favorite memories.  Omnia Vincit Amor.

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