Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Winter wonderland

This evening we are getting our first snow of any significance this year.  It started as sleet about 5pm as we were getting home from work.  There have been some chilly days this week and I always seem to be cold on my drive.  Part of the reason may be that the audiobook I am currently listening to is South, the story of Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition that left them stranded on an ice sheet for almost two years.  It is an amazing story of adventure, endurance, and ingenuity.  It also talks a lot about ice, snow, penguins, frost bite, blizzards, etc.  It might have been a better choice for July when I want to think cold thoughts.

When we headed over to church tonight the sleet was coming down so we decided to drive.  We live about 400 yards from church so we almost always walk and have gotten quite the reputation for that the past few Sundays when the temperature hovered above 0F as we made the trek.  I thought people might think we are getting soft if we drove.  And it three or four different people did comment on it but it was awful nice to have heated seats.  By the time we left it had switched to snow and there was maybe about and inch already.  I love snowy evenings-- the sky glows, everything has a certain softness to it, and surprisingly it never feels as cold.  It was cold enough I was glad to have my snug and cozy home to spend the night.

I'll enjoy the snow tonight but my tune my change tomorrow when we have to shovel out our cars and mush our way to work.  I'm not sure how Arthur feels about snow.  I do know that he hasn't been a fan of the cold when we walk to church and may grumble about it for the whole 3 minutes we are out.  I pointed out to him the other day when he was moaning about the cold that he is headed on a ski trip this weekend.  And ski usually means being outside... in the cold.... and snow..... most of the day.  You could tell from the look in his eyes this was a new idea.  He commented, "Why in the world did I sign up for this?"  I'm sure he will have the time of his life frolicking in the snow.  Omnia Vincit Amor.

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