Saturday, June 25, 2016

Lazy Saturday

What happened to the month of June?  I think we have hardly posted since Memorial Day-- oops.  We have been on a few weekend trips that we are working on posts for but our personal computer decided to go belly up and is on its way to get fixed as we speak.  On it are a few of the blogs that we were editing to get ready to post.  They are serious when they recommend that you back up your computer frequently.  Maybe we will learn our lesson or start using the nebulous Cloud.  Also it's summer and there is more to do outside and less time to post blogs.  So this ends my excuses for being a less than stellar blogger and here is what we have been doing for the past month:

Today is one of the first Saturdays we have been home for in a long time.  We can thank my monthly duty in the church nursery that keeps us from gallivanting around every weekend.  It hasn't actually been a lazy Saturday but at least we are home.  We are training for our annual triathlon so I rolled out of bed early to run.  When I got home Arthur was making sourdough bread and washing the dishes-- such a beautiful sight for a wife.  Instead of hiking we are conquering mountains of laundry and recycling.  Of course the morning wore me out so I took a nice long Saturday afternoon nap.

Our garden is in full swing.  I took pictures to post but can't load them onto this computer so maybe I can add those later.  The big development in the garden this year was moving everything to the front of the house.  Usually I hide the unruly tomatoes and squash at the back door but so far they are behaving well out front.  I also got a hose so I am no longer sloshing buckets of water on my work pants when I tend the garden in the morning.  This past week we harvested some basil and I made 4 patches of pesto for the freezer.  Arthur is pretty excited about future meals of pesto chicken pizza.

Our church had vacation Bible school about three weeks ago.  I was the leader for the 2nd and 3rd graders.  I knew it was going to be an interesting week when I had one kid cry for the first 30 minutes that he wasn't to go home and couldn't be consoled or distracted.  Who gets homesick at VBS?  I had a group of 15 and 3-4 kids who needed constant"eagle eye" adult supervision.  It was kind of like herding pin balls.  I would see one run somewhere and by the time I turned around to bring him back I would see the same kid on the opposite side of the room.  It was a long week and probably led to Arthur thinking his wife was going to lose it a few times.

The same week of Bible school I found out that the Grand Canyon back country office had rejected us again for backpacking permits.  For the past 2 1/2 years we have been trying to get a permit for to do a rim to rim trip at the Grand Canyon.  This has involved spending two hours on the phone trying to get through to get a spot at the Phantom Ranch lodge in the bottom of the canyon.  I really think you are more likely to win the lottery that spend the night at Phantom Ranch.  Next I convinced my husband that our only ticket in would be if we camped so we have applied twice for backpacking permits.  To get a permit you submit a form at the beginning of each month about what days are available and which campgrounds you would like to stay at.  We submitted 8 different trip options and could go any time during the months of September and October.  And were denied and rejected.
So the Grand Canyon is on the back burner for another year.  We have been trying to get this bucket list trip done before we get old and gray-- it is a good thing we started planning early as we may be old and gray by the time we get permits.  This has led to planning a back up trip.  Frankly I think I missed my calling as an adventure trip organizer.  I love planning and organizing trips.  Some ideas have been the 5 National Parks in Utah, backpacking around Durango, or going to Duluth, Minnesota and Lake Superior for a canoe trip.  There are so many places to go and things to do...even if it isn't the Grand Canyon. 

So there you have it, our month of June in a nut shell.  Hopefully our other computer gets up and running soon to make it a little easier to blog frequently.  Omni Vincit Amor. 

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