Friday, August 5, 2016

Brought to you by the letter T

Our latest updates are brought to you by the letter T this week:

TV- As I am working on this blog I am watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics.  We sign up for cable for the month of the Olympics so we don't miss any of the action.  I am a huge Olympic fan and am prepared for the two week haul of staying up late watching the coverage while shouting for the USA.  Arthur is a little less of a die-hard fan and has already headed to bed at 10pm on a Friday night.  (Fun Fact- in keeping with our T theme the country of Tajikistan was just introduced).

Triathlon- We are competing in the Salty Dog Triathlon next weekend so we have been training over the past few weeks.  This has included rolling Arthur out of bed early to swim and myself hoping my last patients of the day are early so I can rush home to splash around for a few laps.  We have taking our bikes out and I am trying to ride my brother's road bike without wiping out since my feet are strapped to the pedals.  With such warm weather it has been more difficulty to get out the door for running.  And of course no that the Olympics are on our training next week will diminish as we sit in our easy chairs watching the best athletics in the world.

Trip- We are headed on our summer trip to Minnesota's North Shore in a few weeks.  We will also backpack on Isle Royale National Park so we have been gathering supplies, planning activities, and attempting to get reservations.  Getting hotel reservations for the weekend has been almost impossible and even the state park campgrounds are completely booked months in advance.  We are looking forward to our backpacking trip, sea kayaking at the Apostle Islands, and attending the Minnesota State Fair. 

Twins- We love being an aunt and uncle and our number of nieces significantly increased recently.  My brother and sister-in-law welcomed identical twin girls to their family.  Arthur got to see the girls after they were able to come home a few days ago.  He has fallen head over heels for them and said he was filled with warm fuzzies inside.  We get such a kick out of the older sister we are looking forward to watching these girls grow up.  Omnia Vincit Amor.

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