Sunday, November 15, 2015

Every Couch a Classroom

With the weather getting cooler and the time change bringing darkness to all the hours we have at home our outdoor adventures are getting fewer and farther between.  However in this digital age I still feel like we are continuing to explore our world and learn so much even though for the most part is it happening while we are snuggled on the couch drinking hot chocolate.  Here's what we have been up to and are digging in the digital world.

- Hardcore History-  This is a history podcast that Arthur has listened to for a while at work when he does computer programming.  We have recently started listening to it while doing the dishes in the evenings.  So far we have gotten a glimpse of how King Cyrus of the Persian Empire impacted history and are diving into how the Spanish-American War started. 

- CPGrey- This is a YouTube channel that focuses on explaining social science topics in a fun and understandable way.  Our favorites are about Vatican City, how to become pope, the border between US and Canada, a brief history of the royal family, and voting and politics.  Here's Arthur's favorite for politics:

- Smarter Every Day- This is another great YouTube channel.  The focus of these videos is science and especially science that becomes even cooler with high speed video analysis.  I love that most of these segments take physics or chemistry and apply them to everyday life scenarios.  A few of my favorites are included below


- Currently Wandering- This is a blog that I found a few weeks ago about a family who has sold their home for an Airstream trailer and are traveling around the country with their three kids.  I'm still convincing Arthur that this could be fun for a few years but no such luck yet.  They spend a lot of time at state and national parks, hiking, camping, biking, and enjoying being outdoors.  Plus, did I mention that they are traveling all over the country?  All of my favorite things...which I will enjoy vicariously from the comfort of the couch and possibly start planning a few vacations.

-Madam Secretary-  We found season one of this show on Netflix and fell in love.  Arthur loves political dramas like West Wing.  And I am tired of watching all eight seasons of The West Wing for the fourth time so new material is appreciated.  Like The West Wing this takes place in the White House following the Secretary of State and her office.  Unlike the West Wing it focuses on just the State Department so less story lines to keep track of for me.  Another aspect of the show includes everyday family dynamics of the Secretary's husband, and three teenage children.  After every episode Arthur waves his arms around proclaiming how awesome this show is.  We are currently caught up to real time in this series so we have to wait a week between episodes instead of binge watching a few each evening.

Looking back on this post I am getting a glimpse of how nerdy we really are.  Omnia Vincit Amor.

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