Usually at lunch during work we watch SportsCenter but for some reason earlier this week the TV in the break room was on The Food Network and The Pioneer Woman was on. She was making pumpkin cinnamon rolls and they looked delicious. My boss suggested that I start a food blog and get my own TV show too. It was also mentioned that I write under the pen name of Prairie Girl.. He was surprised to find out that I blog and sometimes about food which almost makes me a food blogger and also have pseudonym. However my blogs tend to be more a parody of food blogs.
Tonight's dinner seemed to be a good example. A gal in our building at work has chickens and will occasionally have eggs available. It must be a good week for the hens to lay because she was selling farm fresh eggs for quite the deal and I couldn't pass it up. I decided to make Arthur scrambled eggs tonight with farm fresh eggs and milk from a local dairy along with fruit smoothies. How much more natural and wholesome can you get may I ask? As I was making the eggs something started to stink to high heaven as I heated up the burner and I realized it was the plastic residue from the Tupperware container I melted a hole in accidentally a few nights earlier. Nothing beats a fresh, wholesome dinner with toxic chemical fumes from melting petrochemicals filling the room. Welcome to our kitchen. Omnia Vincit Amor.
I'm sorry, but I laughed out loud. We've all been there, believe me!