Arthur and I have live in our current locale about 2 ½ years
Just a short time ago I finally
hung the last frame on the wall that has been sitting on the floor since we
moved in.
I figured since I had dusted
it several times and was getting tired of vacuuming around it on the floor I
should get it up on the wall.
problem was that I wanted to print copies of our wedding vows to hang in the
First I couldn’t find the file
they were saved in on my computer or I couldn’t remember if they were just
tucked in some email somewhere and not actually a Word document.
Once I located the files then we went through
the process of switching laptops and all the files had to be transferred.
My next hurdle was that the new laptop
doesn’t work with the printer.
Does this
sound like anyone else’s projects?
I got all the pieces together it took 10 minutes to put it in the frame and
hang it on the wall.
And I love it.
Arthur and I wrote our own vows (completely
his idea but I am glad he talked me into it now).
Every so often as I rush by the frame I will
take a moment to read those promises and reflect on the covenant we made with
one another.
As hard as it was for me to
write the vows, did I realize how hard to would be to live out those words in
the day to day grind?
To show patience and forgiveness, to love unconditionally, to accept faults and strengths. We were young, in love, and had no idea what we were saying. A few years later we are still young, in love, and only slightly better understand to what we were committing. Occasionally we
will joke, “Let me check to see if that was covered in the vows” or “I better
refer to the vows before I make my decision.”

Recently in looking back at older blog posts I realized that
our marriage has been fairly well documented but we haven’t included much about
what brought us together to the point of exchanging vows. With Valentine’s Day around the corner and
the winter being rather slow as far as blog topics I am planning a series of
posts that shares the highlights of the dating years of our love story. It will probably never become a Nicholas
Sparks novel or the plot for a dramatic romance movie, although several items
could be used for material on The Big
Bang Theory. Omnia Vincit Amor.
What a beautiful reminder!