Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Word

Every week the church we are going to reads 2 Timothy 3:16-17 before the sermon:
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. 
So far each week it has been in a different translation and so far this has been one of my (Alex's) favorite parts of the service.  What a great reminder that Scripture is living and active today.  It is useful and applicable in our lives.  It encourages or, as my high school Bible study leaders put it, it can step on your toes sometimes when you need it.  Scripture is some powerful stuff.

At times we may underestimate the power of being in God's Word consistently.  To borrow an analogy from Sunday's sermon, think of a slow, steady drip of water pouring over a rock that over the years wears the rock into a shallow basin.  Sudden torrents of water would just rush over the top of the rock, but a slow drip makes slow changes in the rock's surface.  I thought this was a great reminder that "torrential" experiences don't have the impact to change our rock-hard hearts that way constant exposure to the Word does.  Sometimes I wish I could soak up everything from a Bible study or sermon series all at once.  One thing Arthur has learned about me that probably drives him nuts is if I have a mission or a project I like to go at it full speed ahead.

In the past I have tried to read the Bible in a year.  That is all fine and good but what did I miss since I had to get my 4.7 chapters of reading in everyday?  I am happy to announce this year I am only on the reading for July 14th-- a whole 2 months behind.  Truthfully, I am not behind because I was taking a lot of time to meditate on passages in 2 Chronicles, but I haven't let my falling behind bother me.  I once read an article about if we read the Bible in a lifetime instead of a year.  After all there isn't deadlines or quotas on the number of pages you have to turn.  This article suggested taking one book at a time and reading through that book multiple times so the story becomes very familiar and you can catch more of the details, context, and themes.  After all we shouldn't be in a rush with God's Word, He will continue to use it to shape us and mold us throughout a lifetime.

This lead to me spending 2 months studying 1 Timothy.  1 Timothy only has 6 chapters and it took me 2 months.  But I found something new the 3rd time I read it, gained a different perspective the 7th time, was challenged by something in my life the 16th time I read those words, and had an idea for a ministry opportunity the 19th time.  That slow drip of God's Word continually carving out my heart of stone or as The Message translates 2 Timoty 3:17:  Through the word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.  Omnia Vincit Amor.

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