Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Year’s Resolutions

At breakfast on New Year’s Day we discuss making New Year’s resolutions.  We know that most people don’t keep their resolutions but I think it is good to evaluate once in a while where you are at and where you are going.  Someone once said if you aren’t headed anywhere in life you will probably get there.  So we each thought of some resolutions based on four areas: physical, spiritual, relational, intellectual.

For physical Alex is going to try to ride about 1200 miles on a bike which would be equal to riding around the perimeter of Kansas.  Arthur’s goal is to get in shape for possibly running some type of race.  Arthur’s brother in law would love to compete in a Tough Mudder race.  This race is like an obstacle course on steroids- around 10 miles with climbing walls, barbwire fences, etc.  Arthur likes this idea but cringes at the thought of jumping into ice cold water.

As for spiritual goals Arthur is going to try to memorize a book of the Bible and Alex wants to be more consistent with her personal Bible Study. 

In the relational area one of our focuses will be developing relationships with the Youth Group kids we work with and keeping up with friends from college.

For intellectual we both want to spend some time increasing and honing our professional skills.  I think we have both realized that being out of school we have to work even harder on our own now because our professions involve much more than we learned in textbooks.  We also want to continue reading a variety of books and watching documentaries—there is just so much to learn about in this world. Omnia Vincit Amor.

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