- Apparently a lot of couples go ice skating on dates. There were two or three of these couples the afternoon we went. One of the guys had a pretty good wipe out and then stayed near the wall most of the time. Another gent was pretty wobbly so he conveniently locked arms with his girlfriend to help stay on his feet. (Sorry Arthur but if you are about to fall down on the ice I'm going to clear out of the way-- just being truthful). Did the guys plan these dates because they enjoy ice skate or was it the gals idea? Or have they been watching too many Rocky movies for potential date ideas such as when Rocky took Adrian skating?
- High school kids tend to stand in clumps wherever they go. At a dance, at a mall, and even in the middle of the skating rink. They created even more obstacles to skate around than the little kids all over the place-- at least the little kids were moving.
- In most of my experience skating the majority of people just aren't very good at skating. I suppose the one reason for this is living in a state where winter sports are basically ignored-- which is just too bad. Out of about 50 people skating, two or three stood out has having some skill and they were the employees. About 20 people seemed relatively safe on skates, and the other 30 will keep physical therapists all over the area busy for the next few months with ankle and wrist sprains.
-I also wondered what possessed parents of toddlers who can barely walk to try ice skating-- that just seems like a lot of fun for everyone.
- Finally, I was wondering why the good looking guy over on the bench was reading a book on soldering at a skating rink. Nobody does that, except my husband. Omni Vincit Amor.
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