Thursday, January 16, 2014

Spinning our wheels and not going anywhere

Our Christmas gift to each other this year was getting an indoor training stand for my bike.  This piece of equipment transforms my regular bike into a stationary bike.  This is something I have thought about getting for a few years and have enjoyed it tremendously this past month.  It takes up a lot less space than a stationary bike and we get to ride my bike which I feel is much more comfortable (I think Arthur's backside is slowly adjusting as well now.)  Most evenings you will find us taking turns jumping on the bike for a half hour to an hour pedaling miles but never leaving the comfort of our home.  This is so nice now that it is dark when we get home and cold out.  It also beats having to make a trip down to the gym to work out when we just head down to the basement. The bike has also been key to some of our New Year Resolutions-- Arthur's quest to get in better shape and mine to "ride" around the perimeter of Kansas.  This evening I logged mile 100 while watching Rocky I during his training segment as he ran up the steps in triumph.

We have been trying to establish an exercise routine.  For a few weeks Arthur would clump up and down the stairs listening to basketball games.  I think we both feel that the bike is a big improvement.  We will either tune into a TV series or put in a movie and instead of kicking back and relaxing we will pedal and pedal and pedal.  Hopefully we can get Arthur his own bike before next spring so when the weather is nicer we can both it the open road and actually get the thrill of changing scenery and wind in our faces (although if you turn on our fan in the basement on high you kind of get the same effect).  The downside so far has only been a few marital arguments about whose turn it is to get on the bike.  Omni Vincit Amor.

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